Thursday, July 22, 2010


~With all the concern over the BP oil spill, car company bailouts, "cash for clunkers", and inevitable future energy shortages, one California driver mocks all others cars on the road:

^ (posted on imgur, found via reddit)

The orange car with the license plate "LOL OIL" is a Tesla Roadster, an all-electric sports car produced by Tesla Motors.  It can travel approximately 244 miles on a single charge and goes from 0-60 mph in 3.7 seconds.  It creates no emissions, needs no gasoline or motor oil, and can be plugged in from a home charging unit.  It also needs much less maintenance than a combustion-powered vehicle.  From wikipedia:

"Electric vehicles require much less service and maintenance than internal combustion engine vehicles. They do not require routine oil changes. They do not have any tailpipe emissions and therefore do not require any muffler or exhaust system work. They do not require replacement spark plugs, pistons, hoses or belts. The conventional parts of the car—including the brakes, body work and any interior and HVAC work—can be performed by any qualified automotive technician, exotic car garage or other local provider."

The Roadster currently retails for around $100,000, but has proved very popular and over a thousand have been sold in less than two years.  A recent partnership with Toyota has bolstered plans for Tesla Motors to mass-produce a less-expensive, all-electric sedan.  Than last sentence used up my hyphen quota for today, so I'll stop writing for now.

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