Friday, April 10, 2009

T.E.D. Sixth Sense Technology

~This came up in one of my classes, and it's the coolest thing I've seen in a some time: a cellular-based projector & motion sensor that gives its wearer a sort of "sixth sense" and unparalleled access to information at any time:

^ Neat, isn't it? What impresses me the most is the low cost of the materials - she claims they cost only $350 (although there must also be Internet access charges for the cell phone). I'm sure the components could be further miniaturized to make them less obtrusive. Perhaps the projector could be replaced with a high-tech set of glasses that project images onto the lenses, so only the wearer sees the projections...the applications are endless.

1 comment:

Tuneman said...

That is pretty cool. Will be good if they can make it smaller and faster in a couple of years. Maybe it would tell me all about the plants and trees in the botanical garden as we walk through it.