Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Communist Threat!

~"Investigative Reporter" Stephen Colbert has exposed a Red Menace lurking in society, one different from the massive socialist bank bailout from "Comrade Bush". This new threat is slowly but surely destroying America's free market system by lending books to the public for free. Watch this video, as it is essential that you be able to recognize this Marxist threat lurking in nearly every town in our nation:

^ Looks like things are looking up in my profession! Actually, I really have noticed a significant increase in library use since the mountain range that was the Dow Jones suddenly eroded into a canyon. I think library use will only increase in the coming years. At libraries, you can (among other things): check out books, DVDs, and audio books; use computers and the internet; read newspapers and magazines; and even take your children to storytime and other events. Best of all, there's no individual charge for any of this. Libertarians need not apply.

Incidentally, I forgot to mention that the week of September 27 was Banned Books Week, which celebrated books that are banned or challenged for removal across the United States. The SILS library at UNC displayed a collection of challenged children's books and had a banned books reading. It's sad that books like "Huckleberry Finn" are still challenged. In my opinion, the most amusingly pathetic attempt to challenge a book was a parent who in 2006 wanted to remove "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury from the reading list of his daughter's school.

Yeah...let's ban a book about book banning! While we're at it, let's have a public book burning! We'll party like it's 999!

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