Wednesday, September 10, 2008

ABC Investigation into Sarah Palin's "book banning"

Please watch the following video, an ABC report into the allegation that Sarah Palin attempted to "ban books" as mayor of Wasilla (if the video isn't displaying, click here to go directly to the video):

While it seems she didn't directly try to ban any books, her firing of the librarian raises disturbing questions. According a September 4 article in the Anchorage Daily Mail, the librarian received a severance letter "telling her she was going to be fired because she did not fully support the mayor." Mayor Palin was obviously not pleased with the librarian's response to Palin's question about hypothetically banning books at the library. The firing was reversed after a public uproar.

I hope that Gov. Palin honestly addresses this banning/firing issue soon, but I doubt that's going to happen. In the meantime, I'll keep an eye out for more investigations into this event prior to the election.

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