Friday, April 18, 2008


~I've signed up for a free account at LibraryThing, and online book recommendation database. It allows me to post the books I've read/am reading, and add metadata about them such as reviews, subject tags, related books, recommendations, etc. Of course, I can also see what others have written.

There are a number of fun features on LibraryThing. For example, check out the hilarious Unsuggester, a reverse-recommendation search engine. Type in the name of a book you like, and it will return books as unlike your title as possible. For example, if you type in "Dracula" (and then clarify by selecting the book by Bram Stoker), you get results like "The Opinionated Knitter", "Purpose-driven youth ministry", and (most disturbingly) "Pierced by the word : thirty-one meditations for your soul". Type in a book you like and be amused. Or, on a more practical note, type in a book you *hated* and get some better ideas.

I've added some of the books I've read and am reading, so in the future I'll add something to this blog that will let you see the titles.

By the way, there's a new poll on the right. Cast your vote on the downfall of humanity!

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