Friday, May 24, 2013

Paperhand 14th annual summer show kickstarter

The good people of Paperhand Puppet Intervention have launched their fundrasier via kickstarter for this summer's show.  Last year was the first year they raised funds with kickstarter, and it was a big success -- the show was fantastic.  This was the group that put on "Love and Robots" a few years back

They're looking for $8,000 and as of this writing they have raised almost $2,500, with two weeks left to go!   As is usual with kickstarter, you can get rewards depending on how much you pledge.  A $40 pledge gets you a ticket the the show, which was $20 last year if I remember correctly, so it's like contributing $20  to help support production, and preordering a ticket.

If you intend to see the show or are interested in attending, consider supporting Paperhand's summer show.


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